Barely Tales

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Barely Tales
Barely Tales

Your grim little friend smiles beatifically at you. "Ah, so you'd like to hear one of my stories, would you?" he says. "Mind you, I don't have any Grimstone with me, so the stories might be a little darker than you're used to. Which one would you like to hear?"

The One About the Stepdaughter and the Glass Clothing

see Grim fairy tales

You ponder the story you just heard. Sure, it was gruesome, but the important part is how wicked cool it would be to have clothes made out of glass--especially shoes!
Glassslipper.gifYou acquire an effect: Soles of Glass
(duration: 30 Adventures)

The One About the Little Girl and the Big Bad Wolf

see Grim fairy tales

You ponder the story you just heard. You actually feel pretty bad for that poor wolf. I mean, it was just doing what wolves do, right?
Wolfmask.gifYou acquire an effect: Angry like the Wolf
(duration: 30 Adventures)

The One About the Princess and the Seven Dwarves

see Grim fairy tales

You ponder the story you were just told. You feel like it maxed out your tolerance for weird names and gruesome violence.
Angry.gifYou acquire an effect: Grumpy and Ornery
(duration: 30 Adventures)

Occurs when [talk]ing to a Grim Brother.