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You find yourself at that door at the back of the Dive Bar again.

Go get a seaode
  • If you haven't gotten 3 seaodes today:

You head down the tunnel into the cave, and manage to find another seaode. Sweet! I mean... salty!

Ccannonball.gifYou acquire an item: seaode
  • Else:

You head down the tunnel into the cave, but you can't find any more seaodes. Brushing back a tear (which, given that you're underwater, is pretty unnecessary,) you trudge back up to the bar, resolved to come back tomorrow.

Leave it beaode

You've got better things to do than mess around in the basement of a bar. Well, not really -- you're an Adventurer after all, and that's kind of what Adventurers do. Let's just say you're not in the mood for it right now.

Occurs at The Dive Bar.
