From TheKolWiki
You find yourself at that door at the back of the Dive Bar again.
Go get a seaode |
- If you haven't gotten 3 seaodes today:
You head down the tunnel into the cave, and manage to find another seaode. Sweet! I mean... salty!
You acquire an item: seaode |
- Else:
You head down the tunnel into the cave, but you can't find any more seaodes. Brushing back a tear (which, given that you're underwater, is pretty unnecessary,) you trudge back up to the bar, resolved to come back tomorrow.
Leave it beaode |
You've got better things to do than mess around in the basement of a bar. Well, not really -- you're an Adventurer after all, and that's kind of what Adventurers do. Let's just say you're not in the mood for it right now.
Occurs at The Dive Bar.
- Only occurs if you have already learned Salacious Cocktailcrafting.
- There is a limit of 3 seaodes per day, not including the one gotten from Ode to the Sea upon learning said skill.