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In KoL, banishing a monster removes it from the possible encounters in any zone for a certain number of Adventures. Almost all banishers that cost a turn will run out of their effect 1 turn earlier, because the adventure itself took a turn.

General-Purpose Banishers

Source Type Duration Queue¹ Cost Costs Turn?² Combat Resolution Avail. Notes
Batter Up! Skill Rollover 1 5 Fury Turntaking Kill HC/SC Standard (evergreen) Class-specific: Only usable by Seal Clubbers; kills the banished monster and gives stats but not meat/item drops
Harold's bell Combat Item 20 1 Item loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Standard (evergreen) Only one bell can be obtained per ascension
Anchor bomb Combat Item 30 1 Item loss  ?  ? HC/SC Standard (2024) Acquired from TakerSpace workshed
throwin' ember Combat item 30 1 Item loss Turntaking Kill HC/SC Standard (2024)

Summoned via the Sept-Ember Censer
Only banishes if item kills enemy.

stuffed yam stinkbomb Combat item 15 1 Item loss Free Run HC/SC Standard (2024) Summoned via the Mayam Calendar
spring shoes
(Spring Kick)
Rollover 1 - N/A No! HC/SC Standard (2024) Does not end combat!
cursed monkey's paw
(Monkey Slap)
Rollover 1 - Turntaking Kill HC/SC Standard (2023) Requires all 5 fingers of the paw to still be available (i.e., for none of its daily wishes to have been used yet). Kills the enemy but does not give meat or items.
Roar like a Lion Skill  ? 1 - Turntaking Run HC/SC Standard (2023) Banish is only active while the effect is active.
cosmic bowling ball
(Bowl a Curveball)
Item in inventory
Usage cooldown 1 cosmic bowling ball use Free Run HC/SC Standard (2022) Banish duration is your current cosmic bowling ball skill cooldown (a number of combats equal to 2 * number of bowling skills used that day + 3). The bowling ball returns as soon as the banish ends, so additional banishes can be used indefinitely once each previous one wears off.
familiar scrapbook
(Show Your Boring Familiar Pictures)
100 1 100 scraps Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Requires (and consumes) 100 scraps to use
Feel Hatred Skill 50 1 Daily limit Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted From the emotion chip; castable 3x/day
tryptophan dart Combat Item Rollover 1 Item loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Unrestricted Dropped by Elf Operative
Lil' Doctor™ bag
(Reflex Hammer)
30 1 Daily limit Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Castable 3x/day
Fourth of May Cosplay Saber
(Use the Force, %playername!)
30 1 Daily limit Free Abort HC/SC Unrestricted Skill abruptly exits combat (potentially avoiding some normal end-of-combat operations) and takes you to a choice noncombat, the first option of which ("I am not the adventurer you are looking for") is the banisher; castable 5x/day
human musk Combat Item Rollover 1? Item loss Free (first 3x/day) Run HC/SC Unrestricted Dropped by Red-Nosed Snapper tracking dudes
latte lovers member's mug
(Throw Latte on Opponent)
30 1 Daily limit Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Castable 4x/day (once at the start of the day, and once after every refill, of which 3/day are allowed)
Breathe Out Skill 20 1 Charge loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Temporary skill goes away after single use; learn the skill by consuming hot jelly or toast with hot jelly from a Space Jellyfish
Daily Affirmation: Be a Mind Master Combat Item 80? 1 Item loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Unrestricted From New-You Club Membership Form
Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase
(KGB tranquilizer dart)
20 1 Daily limit Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Castable 3x/day
Asdon Martin
(Spring-Loaded Front Bumper)
30 1 50 fuel; skill cooldown Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted 30-turn cooldown
Snokebomb Skill 30 1 50 MP; daily limit Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Castable 3x/day. Acquired from Training scroll: Snokebomb.
tennis ball Combat Item 30 1 Item loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Acquired from Playing Fetch* with a Hallowiener Dog
Louder Than Bomb Combat Item 20 1 Item loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Indirectly acquired from Summon Smithsness (handful of Smithereens + Ben-Gal™ Balm)
crystal skull Combat Item 20 1 Item loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Unrestricted Acquired from Summon Clip Art
divine champagne popper Combat Item 5 1 Item loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Acquired randomly as one of the rare drops from Summon Party Favor (Libram of Divine Favors)
(Unleash Nanites*)
Rollover 1 Effect loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Unrestricted *There must be 40+ turns remaining of Nanobrawny in order for the monster to be banished. To get Nanobrawny, bring a charged Nanorhino and (immediately) use a Muscle-based combat skill.
Winifred's whistle Combat Item  ?  ? Item loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Drops in The Suburbs of Dis, accessed by using a devilish folio (from a Blavious Kloop)
ice house Combat Item 1 Item loss Turntaking Run HC/SC Unrestricted Persists through ascension. Monster can be seen, and potentially released (by destroying the ice house), in from the Museum.
V for Vivala mask
(Creepy Grin)
10 1 30 MP; daily limit Free Run SC Unrestricted Castable 1x/day; removing mask ends banishment
stinky cheese eye
(Give Your Opponent the Stinkeye)
10 1 Daily limit Free Run SC Unrestricted Castable 1x/day (removing eye does NOT end banishment)
(Talk About Politics)
30 1 Daily limit Turntaking Kill SC Unrestricted Castable 5x/day; kills the banished monster and gives stats, meat, and drops.
mafia middle finger ring
(Show them your ring)
60 1 13 MP; daily limit Free Run SC Unrestricted Castable 1x/day; removing ring does not end banishment
pulled indigo taffy Combat Item 40 1 Item loss Free Run HC/SC Unrestricted Underwater only; acquired from Summon Taffy
Banishing Shout Skill 3 50 MP Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of Boris runs
Howl of the Alpha Skill 3 9 zombies Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Zombie Slayer runs
classy monkey Combat Item 20 1 Item loss Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only works in Class Act runs
Staff of the Standalone Cheese
(special combat action)
Rollover 5 Daily limit Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of Jarlsberg runs; useable 5x/day
dirty stinkbomb Combat Item Rollover 1 Item loss Free Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in KOLHS runs
deathchucks Combat Item 30 1 Item loss Free Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in KOLHS runs
Peel Out Skill Rollover 1 10 MP; daily limit Free Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of Sneaky Pete runs; requires the Extra-Smelly Muffler motorcycle upgrade
Walk Away From Explosion Skill 30 1 30 MP; skill cooldown Turntaking Kill Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of Sneaky Pete runs; kill monster and gives stats/etc.
smoke grenade Combat Item 20 1 Item loss Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of Sneaky Pete runs.
Thunder Clap Skill 40 1 40 dB Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Heavy Rains runs.
Curse of Vacation Skill Rollover 1 30 MP; daily limit Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Actually Ed the Undying runs. Castable 5x/day.
Beancannon Skill Rollover 5 15 MP; item loss Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Avatar of West of Loathing runs.
Requires a can of beans equipped in the off-hand slot, which is destroyed.
Baleful Howl Skill Rollover 1 30 HP; daily limit Free Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Dark Gyffte runs.
Castable 10x/day.
Ultra Smash Skill Rollover 1 2 PP Turntaking Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Path of the Plumber runs.
Requires three levels in Hammer attacks.
B. L. A. R. T.
(B. L. A. R. T. Spray (wide))
Rollover 1? 100 water Free Run Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Wildfire runs.
System Sweep Skill Rollover 1 20 MP Turntaking Kill?* Path Challenge path-specific: Only available in Grey You runs.
*Deals [your Muscle] physical damage, and only banishes if that was sufficient to kill the monster (which still drops items and gives stats).
Punt Skill Rollover 1 30 MP Turntaking Kill Path Challenge path-specific, Class-specific: Only available in Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing runs when a Pig Skinner.
Kills monster gives stats but not meat/item drops

Monster-Specific Banishers

Source Monster Source Type Duration Costs Turn?² Combat Ended? Avail. Notes
cocktail napkin clingy pirate Combat Item 20 Fast Run Both Deals 20-40 hot damage to other monsters
Chatterboxing chatty pirate Adventure 20 Fast Run Both Requires a valuable trinket, which is consumed
Bowl of Scorpions drunk pygmy Item Rollover Fast Run Both Each Bowl of Scorpions will cause one free run-away. After the 11th occurrence, the pygmy is banished.
spooky music box mechanism any in Spookyraven Manor Combat Item Rollover Slow Run Both Deals 100-120 spooky damage to other monsters.
ice hotel bell any in The Ice Hotel Combat Item Rollover Fast Run Both Deals 250-300 cold damage to other monsters.
Licorice Rope any dude(?) in Gingerbread City Skill Rollover Slow Run Both
plastic cup of beer any frat boy in Kegger in the Woods Combat Item 10 Fast Run SC Unrestricted Advances the zone when used on any orquette in Kegger in the Woods
Deals 30-40 sleaze damage to other monsters
Is also a booze item.

¹ How many monsters can be banished at a time by this particular source. If you use this banisher to banish another monster (in any zone), the first monster in the banisher's "queue" will be un-banished. Most things can only banish one monster at a time.
² Does ending a combat with this item consume an Adventure?


  • Banishing a monster prevents it from appearing in any zone that it would appear in.
    • For example, banishing an A.M.C. gremlin will remove it from all four zones that it could appear in.
  • Banishing all possible monsters from a zone results in all of the monsters returning, and will also prevent further other banishes from removing monsters from that zone until at least one of the initial banishes expire.
    • "Unbanishing" a monster by using that same banisher on a different monster in a different zone will cause that monster to return as normal, and the other banishes in that zone will reapply and remove them.
    • For example, using Snokebomb (30 turns) on the VYKEA viking (male) and human musk (until rollover) on the VYKEA viking (female) will cause the following things to occur:
      • Both monsters will stay in the zone, and they will also ignore any further attempts to be banished.
      • After 30 adventures, Snokebomb will expire and the Viking male will return to the zone, while the Viking female will remain banished.
      • If human musk is used on a different monster, such as by using it on a crate, the Viking female will return to the zone because its banish has been lifted, and the Viking male will remain banished until Snokebomb's 30 adventure duration expires.
  • Banishing all normal monsters in a zone with conditional monsters in it will instead yield a tumbleweed. You cannot banish the two normal zombies from The Defiled Alcove to force the initiative-dependent modern zmobies.
  • Banishing a monster with multiple naturally occurring copies (e.g. there are 2 Astronomers in the Hole in the Sky), will also banish the second copy.
    • However, if a monster receives additional copies such as from Transcendent Olfaction (+3 copies), the additional copies will not be banished. The "native" copy of the monster will be banished, but the 3 bonus copies are still in the zone; so instead of being reduced from 4 copies to 0, banishing an Olfacted monster will reduce it from 4 copies to 3.
    • In this example, using an additional banish will not reduce copies from 3 to 2; rather it will remain at 3 because banishes remove native copies, hence why they apply against the two astronomers but not Olfacted monsters.
    • This is also why banishing a monster with the same phylum that the Red-Nosed Snapper is tracking will fail to remove all copies of that monster.
    • (See the Adventure Queue process for more details.)
  • There are multiple zones that are banish-proof; either no sources of banishes will work at all, or only special mechanics will affect the appearance of monsters in the zone.
  • Entire types of monsters in Dreadsylvania can be banished as a result of special non-combats; see Advanced Dreadsylvania Mechanics for details.


See also