Bag of Saccharine Maple saplings
From TheKolWiki
This is a bag of Saccharine Maple saplings. The Saccharine Maple is the only tree in the world that has artificial sweetener instead of sap. It's low-calorie, delicious, and thoroughly moxious! Just don't drink any if you're a lab rat. (In-game plural: bags of Saccharine Maple saplings) |
Obtained From
- The Arrrboretum
- Timbarrrr! (on Arrrbor Day only)
- Equipping this item allows you to plant trees in The Arrrboretum.
- If you planted enough of these saplings, on next Arrrbor Day you'll get a lump of Saccharine Maple sap or a Saccharine Maple pendant as a reward.
- This item parodies the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), substituting sugar with the artificial sweetener saccharin.
- The line warning lab rats not to drink the sap references old studies that showed that saccharin might be a carcinogen. Those studies have been, for the most part, refuted.