BRICKO elephant (item)

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BRICKO elephant
BRICKO elephant

Don't forget -- this is an elephant made of BRICKOs. An elephant made of uniformly sized and shaped bricks really throws a wrench in that parable about the blind guys, if you think about it.

Type: usable
Level required: 3
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: BRICKO elephants)
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Item number: 4478
Description ID: 144877483
View in-game: view
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Brickobrick.gif 23 BRICKO bricks BRICKO eye brick
Equals.gif BRICKO elephant

When Used

  • From inventory:
You examine the BRICKO monster and try to decide if you have the audacity to start a fight with a creature you made out of BRICKOs. Er. BRICKO™ Brand Funucational Construction System Core Units. BRICKOs.
BRICKO elephant This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: BRICKO trunk
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 130 • Substat Gain: 32.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 140
  • Monster Defense: 117
  • Hit Points: 200
  • Initiative: 80
  • Elemental Alignment: None


  • If you attempt to start a combat while falling down drunk, you will receive the message "You're too drunk to mess with BRICKO right now."
  • You can only fight 10 BRICKO beasts per day. If you've already used up your quota of BRICKO combats, you will receive the message "You're sick of playing with BRICKOs today. Maybe you'll be more enthusiastic about it tomorrow."
  • This monster cannot be copied.


  • The parable being referred to comes in many forms, and involves a number of blind men touching various parts of an elephant and guessing what it is. The one touching the trunk might think it's a snake, the one touching a leg might think it's a tree, and so on. The parable is supposed to be about differing perspectives and how to reconcile them, but in this particular case, it is rather pointless, since they'll all think it's BRICKOs.


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