BRICKO chick

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BRICKO chick

Bad mother clucker.
I wanted to make that joke,
She's not really bad.

Attacks enemies, occasionally drops BRICKO bricks

Ability: Attacks opponents and drops BRICKO bricks

Throne/Bjorn: All Attributes +10%, drops BRICKO bricks

Hatchling: Brickoegg.gif BRICKO egg

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Brickoblack.gif extra-heavy BRICKO brick

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+15% Meat Drop 6-10 MP +4 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 8-10 HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • Regular messages:
    • During combat:
      <name> scratches at your opponent, dealing X damage.
      <name> pecks at your opponent, dealing X damage.
    • After combat:
      With a startled look on his[sic] face, <name> lays an egg!
      Brickobrick.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO brick (50% chance)*
  • Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
    <name> clucks loudly, and before you can ask her to shut the cluck up, she lays an egg!
    Brickobrick.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO brick
  • Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
    You hear a soft plastic click as <name> lays an egg in the Buddy Bjorn.
    Brickobrick.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO brick
  • With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
    <name>'s head bobs back and forth under the Tam.
  • With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
    <name> scratches at the ground in a circle around the maypole.
  • With wax lips equipped:
    <name>looks like he's[sic] kissing the ground, what with the pecking and the wax lips.


  • The BRICKO chick attacks 50% of the time. When it attacks, it will inflict either X+5 or X+10 damage, where X is its weight. Both values are equally likely.