BRICKO brick

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BRICKO brick
BRICKO brick

This is an individual BRICKO brand building block. The manufacturer would prefer for you to refer to it as a "BRICKO™ Brand Funucational Construction System Core Unit," but there's just no way that's gonna happen.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: BRICKO bricks)
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Item number: 4469
Description ID: 261433979
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Summon BRICKOs
Dropped after combat by a BRICKO chick
BRICKO chick in a Crown of Thrones/Buddy Bjorn
BRICKO bat (monster)
BRICKO octopus
BRICKO octopus (monster)
BRICKO ooze (monster)
BRICKO pants
BRICKO python
BRICKO python (monster)
BRICKO sword
BRICKO trunk
BRICKO sword
BRICKO pants
BRICKO bulwark
Bob the Bricklayer (Occurs with BRICKOfig Outfit equipped)


Bricks needed Eye required Result Item Type ML Retained After Losing Copy-able Drops
2 Yes Brickoblobsm.gif BRICKO ooze Monster 40 No Yes BRICKO brick, BRICKO stud
3 No Brickohat.gif BRICKO hat Hat
5 Yes Brickobatsm.gif BRICKO bat Monster 70 No Yes BRICKO brick, BRICKO brick, BRICKO brick
6 No Brickosword.gif BRICKO sword Weapon (2-handed club)
8 Yes Brickooystersm.gif BRICKO oyster Monster 100 No No BRICKO pearl
9 No Brickopants.gif BRICKO pants Pants
11 Yes Brickoturtlesm.gif BRICKO turtle Monster 120 No No BRICKO bulwark
23 Yes Brickoelephantsm.gif BRICKO elephant Monster 130 No No BRICKO trunk
37 Yes Brickoctopussm.gif BRICKO octopus Monster 140 No No 3-7 BRICKO bricks, black BRICKO brick
69 Yes Brickopythonsm.gif BRICKO python Monster 160 No No 4-9 BRICKO bricks, green BRICKO brick
420 No Brickopyramid.gif BRICKO pyramid Housing
1100 Yes Brickovacuumitem.gif BRICKO vacuum cleaner Monster 400 Yes No 9-15 broken BRICKO bricks
2300 Yes Brickoairshipi.gif BRICKO airship Monster 600 Yes No BRICKO reactor, BRICKO reactor, BRICKO reactor, BRICKO reactor, BRICKO reactor
3700 Yes Brickocathedrali.gif BRICKO cathedral Monster 725 Yes No gilded BRICKO brick
6900 Yes Confused.gif BRICKO gargantuchicken Monster 1000 Yes No BRICKO egg

When Used

You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickoblobsm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO ooze
  • Using 3:
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, making a rather bumpy hat.
Brickohat.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO hat
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickobatsm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO bat
  • Using 6:
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, making a studded sword.
Brickosword.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO sword
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickooystersm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO oyster
  • Using 9:
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, creating some interesting pants.
Brickopants.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO pants
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickoturtlesm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO turtle
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickoelephantsm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO elephant
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickoctopussm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO octopus
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickopythonsm.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO python
  • Using 420:
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, making a habitable pyramid.
Brickopyramid.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO pyramid
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickovacuumitem.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO vacuum cleaner
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Brickoairshipi.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO airship
You build a fierce BRICKO Cathedral, and add an eye brick.
Brickocathedrali.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO cathedral
You fit the BRICKO blocks together, and add an eye brick.
Confused.gifYou acquire an item: BRICKO gargantuchicken
You think you could make something interesting with X BRICKOs, if you had an eye brick.
  • Otherwise:
You play with the BRICKOs for a while, but give up because X BRICKOs doesn't seem to make anything interesting.


  • In order to make all of the items without disassembling any of them, you need at least 14,593 normal bricks and 11 eye bricks. This will take at least 4,857 casts.
  • The outfit pieces may be broken into their component BRICKOS; the monsters may not.
  • Fighting a BRICKO monster does not take an adventure as long as you defeat it, running away or losing the fight will cost an adventure. This was changed sometime in August 2016.
  • Some effects (for example, the HP and MP restoration of Chock Full o' Nanites) provide benefits during combat with BRICKO monsters, but since fighting a BRICKO monster does not take an adventure (as long as you defeat it) the effect counter is not decreased.
  • Some BRICKO monsters are lost once you start a fight with them. Others are retained in your inventory if you lose the fight, allowing you to try again.
  • All BRICKO monster drops are conditional.
  • You may only enter combat with 10 BRICKO monsters per day.
  • Only the BRICKO bat and the BRICKO ooze can be copied with a Spooky Putty sheet. Fighting the copied BRICKO monster does not take a turn (as long as you defeat it), nor does it count as one of the 10 per day.


  • The block-like pieces of a BRICKO are a reference to LEGO.
  • The long official name is a reference to the Lego Group's insistence that its products be referred to as "LEGO Bricks or Toys" rather than just "LEGOs".
  • The long official name insisted by BRICKO may also refer to corporate defense of proprietary brands, i.e. Kleenex, Band-Aid, Xerox, and, of course, LEGO. The computer software company Adobe has even devoted an entire web page to this purpose.


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