Ask %fn to go down in flames

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Ask %fn to go down in flames

Ask %fn to go down in flames

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 0

Source: Emberiza Aureola
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Uses up familiar's XP to yellow ray an opponent
When Used:
<familiar> soars high into the sky as flames surround her. The flames grow and roar as she splashes down directly on to of your foe, sacrificing herself. But then she emerges, fresh and tiny from the ashes.
Eyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow
(duration: 49 Adventures)


<familiar> is hesitant to throw her life away against this powerful foe.


  • Requires 100 XP to use, but reduces XP to zero.
  • This is not a free kill.

See Also

Shared Counter

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