Ascension History

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Each player's Ascension History is linked to from his or her individual profile. It contains information about past incarnations, such as how long they took to ascend, what class they were, and other interesting facts.

The page is set up in the following format:

# Date Lvl. Class Sign Turns Days Fam. Restrictions
[number] [date] [level] [class icon] [zodiac sign] [number of turns] [number of days] [icon of favored familiar] [restriction icons]
Lifetime Muscle: [number]
Lifetime Mysticality: [number]
Lifetime Moxie: [number]
Lifetime Hardcore Muscle: [number]
Lifetime Hardcore Mysticality: [number]
Lifetime Hardcore Moxie: [number]
Lifetime PvP Ranking: [number]
Lifetime Hardcore PvP Ranking: [number]


  • The number of the "life" you are on, starting with the original incarnation as 1, and incremented by 1 for each ascension thereafter.


  • The date on which the King was freed, or if not applicable, the date the account was created.


  • The level the character was when King Ralph was freed.
  • There is tool tip text if you hover your mouse over this that gives level at time of ascension.


  • An icon designating the class of the character during a given incarnation.
Seal Clubber Seal Clubber
Turtle Tamer Turtle Tamer
Pastamancer Pastamancer
Sauceror Sauceror
Disco Bandit Disco Bandit
Accordion Thief Accordion Thief
Avatar of Boris Avatar of Boris
Zombie Master Zombie Master
Avatar of Jarlsberg Avatar of Jarlsberg
Avatar of Sneaky Pete Avatar of Sneaky Pete
Actually Ed the Undying Actually Ed the Undying
Cow Puncher Cow Puncher
Beanslinger Beanslinger
Snake Oiler Snake Oiler
Gelatinous Noob Gelatinous Noob
Vampyre Vampyre


  • The zodiac sign of the character at time of freeing the King.
  • Shows as "(none)" for the first incarnation and for dropped out of Bad Moon runs.


  • The total number of turns or adventures played until freeing the King.
  • There is tool tip text if you hover your mouse over this that gives adventures played over the course of the ascension.


  • The total number of days passed until freeing the King.
  • There is tool tip text if you hover your mouse over this that gives days passed over the ascension.


  • An icon designating the favored familiar during that ascension; hovering the mouse over the icon will show the percentage of combat adventures played with that familiar equipped. Example: "Cheshire Bat (75%)."
  • Note that because this section was added November 1, 2006, ascensions that occurred before this date will have no data and thus no familiar listed.
  • Note also that familiar usage includes both free combats and free runaways.
  • There is tool tip text if you hover your mouse over this that gives percentage usage up to freeing the King, and favored familiar and percentage over entire ascension.


  • Icons designating ascension restrictions will be shown here.
Normal Normal Ascension
Hardcore Hardcore Ascension
Badmoon Bad Moon Ascension
Casual Casual Ascension
Teetotaler Teetotaler
Boozetafarian Boozetafarian
Oxygenarian Oxygenarian
Standard Restriction Standard Restriction
Bees Hate You Bees Hate You
Way of the Surprising Fist Way of the Surprising Fist
Trendy Trendy
Avatar of Boris Avatar of Boris
Bugbear Invasion Bugbear Invasion
Zombie Slayer Zombie Slayer
Class Act Class Act
Avatar of Jarlsberg Avatar of Jarlsberg
Class Act II: A Class For Pigs Class Act II: A Class For Pigs
Avatar of Sneaky Pete Avatar of Sneaky Pete
Slow and Steady Slow and Steady
Heavy Rains Heavy Rains
Picky Picky
Actually Ed the Undying Actually Ed the Undying
One Crazy Random Summer One Crazy Random Summer
Community Service Community Service
Avatar of West of Loathing Avatar of West of Loathing
The Source The Source
Radiation.gif Nuclear Autumn
Gcube.gif Gelatinous Noob
Briefcase.gif License to Adventure
Watch.gif Live. Ascend. Repeat.
Pocket Familiars Pocket Familiars
G-Lover G-Lover
Disguises Delimit Disguises Delimit
Dark Gyffte Dark Gyffte
Two Crazy Random Summer Two Crazy Random Summer


  • Total lifetime accumulation of this character's stats over all incarnations.


  • Records lost due to White Wednesday are replaced by the notice: "Ascension Records X through Y were lost in the Great Time Catastrophe."

See Also