Antique spear

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antique spear
antique spear

This is a heavy, unwieldy rusty metal pole with a heavy, unwieldy rusty metal spike on the end. Stabbing something with this will probably give it tetanus. It's like... adding lockjaw to injury.

Type: weapon (1-handed polearm)
Damage: 15 - 30
Muscle Required: 60
Outfit: Antique Arms And Armor
  (4 items)

Selling Price: 110 Meat.

Combat Initiative -30%
Successful hit weakens opponent.

(In-game plural: antique spears)
View metadata
Item number: 1931
Description ID: 304092230
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Haunted Gallery
empty suit of armor


  • on successful hit
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 1-3
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 1-3


  • The spear will occasionally break with the following message:
The force of the blow sunders your antique spear. I guess that's why they call you Colonel Sunders.
  • The break chance is 2.5±2.4% on a successful hit.
  • Previously, the spear wouldn't break if used in your offhand by having the Double-Fisted Skull Smashing skill, but this is no longer the case.
  • However, the spear will not break when it is being wielded by a Disembodied Hand.
  • Pulverizes into useless powder.


  • This item had a damage value of 20-40, requirement of 85 Muscle, and autosell value of 160 Meat prior to the Spookyraven Manor revamp on May 15th, 2014.


  • The end of the description is a play on the phrase "adding insult to injury."
  • "Colonel Sunders" is a reference to "Colonel Sanders," the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

See Also


Slash.gif antique greaves | antique helmet | antique shield | antique spear


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