Angry Sun

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Angry Sun
Monster ID 2171
Locations The Mist-Shrouded Peak, as a Plumber
Hit Points 300
Attack 130
Defense 130
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum weird
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts coronoa, eye, flare, mouth, nose
40 coins
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Angry Sun You're fighting an Angry Sun

You make it to the top of the Peak and get ready for a fight, but... there's nobody here. That's weird. Seems like there should've been a turtle in igloo armor, or a giant snowman or something, right? You look around again, squinting at the sunlight reflecting off the snow. It really is very bright up here, which I guess makes sense since you're closer to the sun, right?

You squint a peek upwards at the sun, which is glaring down at you. Literally glaring. It has a face, and that face is scowling furiously at you. What the heck? And now it's charging at you, with intent to kill. What the heck?

Hit Message(s):

It sends a beam of 100% pure ultraviolet light directly into your <knee>. Your <thigh> sizzles.Ouch! Argh! Ooh! Argh! Ow!

It slams itself into your <ankle>, burning you with the heat of a thousand suns. Well, one sun. But even a single sun is still really hot.Oof! Ouch! Ow! Oof! Oof!

Critical Hit Message:

It sends a beam of 100% pure ultraviolet light directly into your <groin>. Your <ear> sizzles. Ooh! Ow! Ugh! Oof! Argh!

Miss Message(s):

It swoops toward you, but you deftly jump over it. That cow has nothing on you.

It tries to burn your <leg>, but you quickly slap some sunscreen on it.

Fumble Message:

It tries to burn your <eye>, but you quickly slap some sunscreen on it. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You find a huge cache of coins!

Mario coin.gifYou acquire 40 coins

Occurs at The Mist-Shrouded Peak during a Path of the Plumber ascension.


  • Deals passive hot damage every round, regardless of being stunned or not:
The intense heat makes it very hard to breathe...
HPYou lose 15-30 hit points. (hot damage)
