Angry Farmer candy

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Angry Farmer candy
Angry Farmer candy

This is a tiny brick of flavored sugar. If the Crown Prince of Sourville married the Duchess of Fruitonia, this would be their twisted love child.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 137 Meat.
Effect: Sugar Rush (10 Adventures)+20% Combat Initiative
Muscle +5%
Moxie +5%
Mysticality -10%

(In-game plural: Angry Farmer candies)
View metadata
Item number: 617
Description ID: 893169457
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky
Raver Giant
bindlestocking (sometimes)
pile of candy (0-5)
Chester's bag of candy (sometimes)
Stocking Mimic in a Crown of Thrones/Buddy Bjorn

When Used

You eat the Angry Farmer candy. It's the best candy you've ever tasted!
Hoppedup.gifYou acquire an effect: Sugar Rush
(duration: 10 Adventures)



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