Anemone Mine (Mining)

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Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

How are HP losses calculated? Can you find Pork Gems?

INSTRUCTIONS: Starting at the bottom of the mine, click a chunk of rock adjacent to an open section of mine to excavate that space.

Mining a chunk of the cavern wall takes one Adventure.
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Back to the Sea Floor

You start digging. You hit the rock with all your might.
  • If the rock does not twinkle:
You succeed in cutting away some rock.
You pan through the rock you knocked loose and collect some Meat tailings.
Meat.gifYou gain 24-30 Meat.
This mining stuff is more of a workout than you usually get!
You gain 8-10 Beefiness.
Being down here where it's quiet really makes you think. Or maybe it's the hypoxia setting in...
You gain 8-10 Wizardliness.
You accidentally inhale a bunch of dust, making your voice sound all husky and cool. And probably eventually giving you cancer.
You gain 8-10 Sarcasm.
  • If the rock twinkles:
You carve out a big chunk of teflon!
Teflonore.gifYou acquire an item: teflon ore


You carve out a chunk of velcro!

Velcroore.gifYou acquire an item: velcro ore


You carve out a big chunk of vinyl!

Vinylore.gifYou acquire an item: vinyl ore


You stumble upon a vein of meat!

Meatstack.gifYou acquire 3 dense meat stacks


Hey, it's one of those gems Grandpa was talking about!

Aquamarine.gifYou acquire an item: marine aquamarine


An inexpert swing of your Mattock causes a tremendous cave-in!

HPYou lose some hit points.

Trying to mine a section that is not adjacent to an already mined section, you receive the popup message:

You cannot reach this section of the mine.

The walls of the cave are also clickable, and will produce the message:

This wall is too hard to dig into.

  • After you have mined at least once:
If you no longer want to mine in this spot, you can click the button below to wander around in the mine until you find a new cavern to mine. This does not take an Adventure. If you do this, you won't be able to remember where this current cavern is, though.
Find New Cavern
  • Clicking on "Find New Cavern":
You wander around randomly in the mine until you find a new section of mine to defile.


  • You must be wielding the Mer-kin digpick in order to obtain this adventure. Failure to do so yields this message:
You can't mine without the proper equipment.
  • When you begin, you are presented with a 6x6 square of black rock. Some of the squares twinkle, but only if next to an open section. All of the squares have an image tag: "Rocky Wall" or "Promising Chunk of Wall". The sections that say "Rocky Wall" have nothing in them. The sections with "A Promising Chunk of Wall" always contain one of the six outcomes listed above.
    • Each of the 3 kinds of ore can be found 4 times per cavern. Also, the 4 squares containing a particular ore are always contiguous. Ores are never found in the bottom 2 rows. They are usually found in the top 3 rows, and sometimes the lower middle row.
    • You can find 3 packs of 3 dense meat stacks per cavern. They are not contiguous, and can be found anywhere in the grid.
    • You can find one marine aquamarine. Without asking Grandpa about the mine, the square that would have contained the aquamarine is a plain Rocky Wall.
    • The undesirable result (loss of HP) can be found 4 times per cavern. They are not contiguous, and occur mostly in the bottom 3 rows in the grid, but can occur in the upper rows as well.
    • 16 spaces in the grid will be Rocky Walls.
  • Squares which contain items twinkle when they are next to an open section or if your current effects include Object Detection.
  • There are several different twinkle animations, but these are not meaningful. If you refresh the page for a cavern, the twinkle animations will randomly change.
  • Trying to adventure here with 0 HP yields:
You're way too beaten up to mine right now. Use a healing item, or rest at your campsite.
  • Trying to find a new cavern before mining at least once yields:
Why? You've got a perfectly virgin section of mine right in front of you.