Ancient cursed foot locker

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ancient cursed foot locker
ancient cursed foot locker

Hey, those are nice ancient cursed high-tops. Where'd you get 'em, Ancient Cursed Foot Locker?

Actually, this is a real foot locker, dredged up from the depths of the ocean, containing what is likely to be cursed personal effects and/or cursed booty.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: ancient cursed foot lockers)
View metadata
Item number: 3016
Description ID: 189764091
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Poop Deck
Set an Open Course for the Virgin Booty
Ocean Treasure

When Used

The footlocker is pretty securely locked. You try to use your foot as a key, but that doesn't work. Looks like you'll need to find a real key.
You unlock the footlocker and help yourself to its contents.
Pieceof13.gifYou acquire some cursed pieces of thirteen (9.1% chance)*
Pearlonion.gifYou acquire some cursed black pearl onions (9.1% chance)*
Cracker.gifYou acquire some cursed sea biscuits (9.1% chance)*
Rum.gifYou acquire some cursed bottles of rum (9.1% chance)*
Blackrum.gifYou acquire some cursed bottles of black-label rum (9.1% chance)*
Ccannonball.gifYou acquire some cursed cannonballs (18.2% chance)*
Voodooskull.gifYou acquire some cursed voodoo skulls (18.2% chance)*
Scroll1.gifYou acquire some cursed dirty joke scrolls (18.2% chance)*


  • Each chest drops 3 (40%), 4 (40%), or 5 (20%) items.
  • Opening the chest consumes both the chest and the key.


"3016" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.