An Unladen Buzzard
As you're moseying along the fence that borders The Dude Ranch, you hear the sound of hoofbeats coming up over the hill behind you. You turn around and see a very strange dude indeed heading toward you. He's not riding a horse, but you can still hear hooves. As he gets closer, you see there's a weird-looking little man following behind him banging coconut shells together to make the sound.
"Howdy," the man greets you.
"Howdy. Say, did you know you don't have a horse? There's just some guy behind you banging a couple of coconuts together!"
"Ayup, I reckon I did know that."
"But where did you get the coconuts?"
"One of them buzzards you see 'round these parts dropped 'em."
You're skeptical. "Where would a buzzard get coconuts?"
"Reckon they migrate, don't they?"
"That's ridiculous," you say, "and I can't believe we're even doing this tired old nerd routine."
Hearing your words, a coconut-laden buzzard flaps away sheepishly.
![]() | You lose 3 Adventures. |
![]() | You spent 500 Meat. |
You gain X Strengthliness. |
![]() | You acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip |
- Prior to August 30, 2013:
As you're moseying along the fence that borders The Dude Ranch, you hear the sound of hoofbeats coming up over the hill behind you. You turn around and see a very strange dude indeed heading toward you. He's not riding a horse, but you can still hear hooves. As he gets closer, you see there's a weird-looking little man following behind him banging coconut shells together to make the sound.
"Howdy," the man greets you.
"Howdy. Say, did you know you don't have a horse? There's just some guy behind you banging a couple of coconuts together!"
"Ayup, I reckon I did know that."
"But where did you get the coconuts?"
"One of them buzzards you see 'round these parts dropped 'em."
You're skeptical. "Where would a buzzard get coconuts?"
"Reckon they migrate, don't they?"
"That's ridiculous -- OW!" you say, as a buzzard flies overhead and drops some coconut shells on your head.
At least you get to keep the shells, though. And the headache.
![]() | You acquire 3 coconut shells |
Occurs at Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure.
- This adventure changed as part of the August 30, 2013 revamp of The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency.
- This adventure parallels the opening scene from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
- The title of the adventure is a variation on a discussion in the movie over the flight speed of an unladen swallow and its ability to carry coconuts while flying.