Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes

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Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes
Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes

This nemes must have originally belonged to somebody other than Amoon-Ra Cowtep, because the horn-holes were definitely not an original feature of its design.

Type: hat
Power: 225
Moxie Required: 50
Cannot be traded or discarded

Mysticality +35%
Spell Damage +25
+15% Chance of Spell Critical Hit

(In-game plural: Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemesis)
View metadata
Item number: 8889
Description ID: 819147479
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Investigating a Plaintive Telegram
Pharaoh Amoon-Ra Cowtep

See Also


"8889" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.