adobe adze
You'd think something so expensive wouldn't also have adze, but it does. That's how they get you.
Type: weapon (1-handed club) Damage: 12 - 24 Muscle Required: 40
Cannot be traded or discarded+3 Muscle Stats Per Fight +5 to Familiar Weight Subscribe for access to Premium Enchantments™ NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time. (In-game plural: adobe adzez) | |
Obtained From
- Ascension Reward
- Complete a Hardcore Standard run as a Turtle Tamer in 2024.
- Has a [subscribe] link. Clicking it yields:
You pay 500 meat for an adobe subscription
- The subscription doubles the adobe adze enchantments while it is active.
- If you do not have 500 meat, the following message is displayed instead:
You don't have the 500 meat to subscribe for 10[sic] adventures.
You can only equip that item on your personal person.
See Also
"11513" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.