Actual blood sausage

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actual blood sausage
actual blood sausage

You've seen how the sausage is made, and it's not pretty.

Type: food (EPIC)
Size: 1
Cannot be discarded

Can only be eaten by Vampyres

(In-game plural: actual blood sausages)
View metadata
Item number: 10171
Description ID: 284188350
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Oven.gif blood bag batgut
Equals.gif actual blood sausage


Oven.gif blood bag ratgut
Equals.gif actual blood sausage

When Consumed

You see how the sausage is eaten. By eating the sausage, I mean.
AdventuresYou gain 14 Adventures.
You gain 10-15 Muscleboundness.
You gain 10-15 Mysteriousness.
You gain 10-15 Sarcasm.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
This isn't edible by non-Vampyres.


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