From TheKolWiki
This is a list of common acronyms and initialisms used within the KoL community.
Acronym | Meaning | Type |
2CRS | Two Crazy Random Summer | Ascension |
AAR | Anti-Antiraffle | Chat - Games |
AC | Advanced Cocktailcrafting | Skills |
AHBG | Ancient Hobo Burial Ground | Adventuring areas |
AoB | Avatar of Boris | Ascension |
AoJ | Avatar of Jarlsberg | Ascension |
AoSP | Avatar of Sneaky Pete | Ascension |
APJ | awful poetry journal | Items |
AR | Antiraffle | Chat - Games |
AT | Accordion Thief | Classes |
AWoL | Avatar of West of Loathing | Ascension |
BALLS | Basic Automated Loathing Language Scripts | Miscellaneous |
BB | Buddy Bjorn | Items |
BBB | Baby Bugged Bugbear or Bulky Buddy Box | Familiars |
BHH | Bounty Hunter Hunter | Miscellaneous |
BHY | Bees Hate You | Ascension |
BM | Bad Moon | Ascension |
BRC | bottle-rocket crossbow | Items - Equipment |
BTR | Belch The Rainbow | Skills |
CAF | custom avatar form | Items |
CBS | crazy bastard sword | Items - Equipment |
CCW | Counterclockwise Watch | Items - Equipment |
CoT | Crown of Thrones | Items |
CS | Community Service | Ascension |
DA | Damage Absorption | Game Mechanic |
DB | Disco Bandit | Classes |
DC | Display Case | Miscellaneous |
DCDB | the Display Case Database | Miscellaneous |
DD | Daily Dungeon or Disguises Delimit | Adventuring areas or Ascension |
DFSS | Double-Fisted Skull Smashing | Skills |
DG | Dark Gyffte | Ascension |
DMS | dense meat stack | Items |
DoD | Dungeons of Doom | Adventuring areas |
DR | Damage Reduction | Game Mechanic |
FFS | Falls-From-Sky | Monsters |
FoB | Feast of Boris | Holidays |
GAP | Greatest American Pants | Items - Equipment |
GGG | Gluttonous Green Ghost | Familiars |
GMA | Golden Mr. Accessory | Items |
GMOB | Guy Made Of Bees | Monsters |
grops | Green Ops Soldier | Monsters |
HC | Hardcore | Ascension |
HCB | Hardcore Boozetafarian | Ascension |
HCNP | Hardcore No Path | Ascension |
HCO | Hardcore Oxygenarian | Ascension |
HCT | Hardcore Teetotaler | Ascension |
HitS | Hole in the Sky | Adventuring areas |
HOA | Homeowners' Association | Monsters |
HM | Hard Mode (Dreadsylvania bosses) | Miscellaneous |
HP | Hit Points or Hardcore Permanent (when talking about skills) | Stats or Ascension |
IDMG | incredibly dense meat gem | Items |
IotM | Item of the Month | Items - Various |
IRL | in real life | Common Internet slang |
ISoRE | Irritating Series of Random Encounters | Monsters |
JEW/JEW hat | jewel-eyed wizard hat | Items - Equipment |
KGE | Knob Goblin Elite [Guard Uniform] | Items - Equipment |
KLP | key lime pie | Items (multiple) |
KoE | Kingdom of Exploathing | Ascension |
KoL | Kingdom of Loathing | Game |
LEW | Legendary Epic Weapon | Items - Equipment |
LFM | Lobsterfrogman | Monsters |
LKS | Low Key Summer | Ascension |
LTA | License to Adventure | Ascension |
LTS | Lunging Thrust-Smack | Skills |
MCD | The various Monster Aggravation Devices (originally only the Mind-Control Device) | Miscellaneous |
ML | Monster Level | Game mechanic |
MMG | Money Making Game | Miscellaneous |
MMJ | magical mystery juice | Items - Consumables |
MP | Mana, Muscularity, or Mojo Points | Game mechanic - Stats |
MPA | Meat per adventure | Miscellaneous |
Mr. A | Mr. Accessory | Items |
Mr. A Jr. | Mr. Accessory Jr. | Items |
Ms. A | Ms. Accessory | Items |
NC | Non-combat | Game Mechanic |
NO | Noblesse Oblige | Clan |
NPC | Non-Player Character | Common video-game term |
NPZR | Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot | Familiars |
NS or NS1/NS2/NS3 | Naughty Sorceress or her various forms | Ascension |
NS11 | Pre-NS13 era (Naughty Sorceress Quest at level 11) | Ascension |
NS13 | Post-NS11 era (Naughty Sorceress Quest at level 13) | Ascension |
O.A.F. or OAF | Optimal Ascension Familiar | Familiars |
OCRS | One Crazy Random Summer | Ascension |
OP | Original Post(er) | Common Internet slang (on forums) |
PBS | Pygmy Bugbear Shaman | Familiars |
PISSSED | Pull It, Smith, Smash, and Suck 'Er Down. | Ascension |
PLD | Purple Light District | Adventuring areas |
PM | Private Message (a.k.a. Blue Message) or Pastamancer | Chat or Classes |
PotP | Path of the Plumber | Ascension |
PSA | Public Sale Announcement | Chat - Games |
PYEC | Platinum Yendorian Express Card | Items |
RL | real life | Common Internet slang |
RNG | Random Number Generator | Game mechanic (a common computer term) |
RPG | role-playing game | Common video-game acronym |
SBIP | sword behind inappropriate prepositions | Items |
SC | Softcore or Seal Clubber | Ascension or Classes |
SCNP | Softcore No Path | Ascension |
SCO | Softcore Oxygenarian | Ascension |
SFF | Sugar Fruit Fairy | Familiars |
SGEEA | soft green echo eyedrop antidote | Items - Consumables |
SHC | Superhuman Cocktailcrafting | Skills |
SR | Sauceror or semi-rare | Classes or Items/Events |
SSPD | St. Sneaky Pete's Day | Holidays |
TP | Tiny Plastic or toilet paper | Items |
TPS | tiny plastic sword | Items |
TPTB | The Powers That Be (a.k.a. the developers and maintainers of Loathing) | People |
TPTMBG | The Powers That Might Be Giants (a bastardization of TPTB and TMBG) | People |
TT | Turtle Tamer or Traveling Trader | Classes or NPC |
WAF | Wizard Action Figure | Familiars |
WoL | West of Loathing | Miscellaneous |
WotSF | Way of the Surprising Fist | Ascension |
WTB | Want To Buy | Chat - Trade |
WTH | Want To Hire (for various clan dungeon-related things, usually Dreadsylvania-related) | Chat - Trade |
WTS | Want To Sell | Chat - Trade |
WTT | Want To Trade | Chat - Trade |
XP | Experience Points (stat gain) | Game mechanic |
YR/YORoIDS | Yellow Ray (Yellow Obliterating Ray of Item Dropping Sexiness; name stems from first source, the He-Boulder's yellow beam) | Miscellaneous |
ZS | Zombie Slayer | Classes |
- For the few that share acronyms - SC, PM, TT, SR, PM, HP and BBB - they all tend to be context specific. We try and work with what we're given.