abstraction: thought
Time is a flat circle, and the physical manifestation of the conceptual nature of thought is an even flatter circle. Like this one.
Type: spleen item (decent) Toxicity: 1 (can also be used in combat) Selling Price: 6 Meat. Effect: Thought (50 Adventures)Mysticality +100% (In-game plural: abstraction: thoughts) | |
Obtained From
- Familiar
- Dropped after combat by a Machine Elf
- The Deep Machine Tunnels
- <Color> <Direction> (choosing the first option, sometimes)
When Used
You think.
This opponent are more interested in tangible, real-world things, like normal, non-abstract violence.
- Against a Perceiver of Sensations, first time per combat, staggers the enemy and grants the corresponding abstraction with the following message:
Thought is perceived and certainty is achieved.
Multiple abstractions add up to a single abstraction. Using another would be a waste.
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