Abstraction: perception

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abstraction: perception
abstraction: perception

This is a tangible manifestation of sensation with significance.

Type: spleen item (decent)
Toxicity: 1
Selling Price: 10 Meat.
Effect: Perception (50 Adventures)+25% to all Moxie Gains

(In-game plural: abstraction: perceptions)
View metadata
Item number: 8713
Description ID: 682952437
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Dropped after combat by a Machine Elf
The Deep Machine Tunnels
<Color> <Direction> (choosing the first option, sometimes)

When Used

You open yourself to what is around you.
Abs6.gifYou acquire an effect: Perception
(duration: 50 Adventures)


"8713" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Machelf.gif Abstractions
Abstraction Buff Obtained From
abstraction: actionAbs1.gif
abstraction: action
Abs1.gif Action (50 Adventures)
Muscle +100%
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part1.png
Performer of Actions
abstraction: thoughtAbs2.gif
abstraction: thought
Abs2.gif Thought (50 Adventures)
Mysticality +100%
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part4.png
Thinker of Thoughts
abstraction: sensation
Abs3.gif Sensation (50 Adventures)
Moxie +100%
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part6.png
Perceiver of Sensations
abstraction: purposeAbs4.gif
abstraction: purpose
Abs4.gif Purpose (50 Adventures)
+25% to all Muscle Gains
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part1.png
Performer of Actions
abstraction: categoryAbs5.gif
abstraction: category
Abs5.gif Category (50 Adventures)
+25% to all Mysticality Gains
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part4.png
Thinker of Thoughts
abstraction: perception
Abs6.gif Perception (50 Adventures)
+25% to all Moxie Gains
Machine Elf
or Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part6.png
Perceiver of Sensations
abstraction: certaintyAbs9.gif
abstraction: certainty
Abs9.gif Certainty (50 Adventures)
+100% Item Drops from Monsters
abstraction: thoughtAbs2.gif
abstraction: thought
Plus.gif Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part6.png
Perceiver of Sensations
abstraction: joyAbs8.gif
abstraction: joy
Abs8.gif Joy (50 Adventures)
+10 to Familiar Weight
abstraction: actionAbs1.gif
abstraction: action
Plus.gif Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part4.png
Thinker of Thoughts
abstraction: motionAbs7.gif
abstraction: motion
Abs7.gif Motion (50 Adventures)
+100% Combat Initiative
abstraction: sensationAbs3.gif
abstraction: sensation
Plus.gif Dmtmonster part3.pngDmtmonster part1.png
Performer of Actions
abstraction: comprehensionAbs10.gif
abstraction: comprehension
200-300 muscle substats
200-300 mysticality substats
200-300 moxie substats
Shining Mauve Backwards In Time