Abominable blubber

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abominable blubber
abominable blubber

You got this wad of blubber from a portly abomination. Specifically, it came from the creature's gut. It sounds gross, but I have to tell you, this slippery fat is really terrific stuff.

It's phenomenal abominable abdominal blubber.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Effect: Abominably Slippery (10 Adventures)+20% Combat Initiative
So-So Sleaze Resistance (+2)

(In-game plural: abominable blubbers)
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Item number: 4950
Description ID: 765241883
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Menagerie Level 3
Portly Abomination

When Used

You rub the hunk of monster lard all over yourself. You know, maybe it's time to take a good look at what you're doing with your life.
Abomblubber.gifYou acquire an effect: Abominably Slippery
(duration: 10 Adventures)



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