A Tourist's Guide to Spring Break
Welcome to Spring Break Beach! This is a quick guide to explain the possibilities of Spring Break!
You can find three shops at the Spring Break Beach, but the only currency accepted are Beach Bucks. You can either adventure in the zones to farm some Beach Bucks, or do some quests for the shopkeepers.
- Buff Jimmy – Sells Brogre Brouture outfit pieces, skill books, a tattoo, and other things.
- Taco Dan – Sells tacos, taco shells, and taco sauce.
- Broden – Sells brogurts. The brogurts unlocked from the Diner quest give powerful buffs.
All quests give you 30 Beach Bucks upon completion. Some quests may also unlock additional items at the quest giver's shop. You can only accept one quest from each NPC at a time.
- Fun-Guy Quests: You must collect 10 of something. You may only collect one type of an item at a time. If you have multiple Fun-Guy quests active at once, you will search for items in the following priority: Taco Dan, Buff Jimmy, Broden.
- Jimmy: Find pencil thin mushrooms. Drop rate starts out low and increases each time you don't get the mushroom to drop, resetting once you do, and can be increased with Item Drop modifiers.
- Taco Dan: Find Taco Dan's Taco Stand's Taco Receipts. Requires Sleight of Mind from sleight-of-hand mushrooms active for the receipts to drop.
- Broden: Find some bacteria. After combat, you will take elemental damage between 1-800% your maximum HP. You must survive the damage in order to collect bacteria.
- Sloppy Seconds Diner Quests: You must equip an off-hand item and fight 15 of a certain monster. Banishes will not be helpful but Olfaction will be.
- Jimmy: Equip the Paradaisical Cheeseburger recipe and defeat Sloppy Seconds Burgers.
- Taco Dan: Equip Taco Dan's Taco Stand Cocktail Sauce Bottle and defeat Sloppy Seconds Cocktails. Unlocks Taco Dan's Super Taco-Riffic Taco Sauce!.
- Broden: Equip the sprinkle shaker and defeat Sloppy Seconds Sundaes. Unlocks broberry brogurt, brocolate brogurt, and French bronilla brogurt.
- Sunken Yacht Quests: Find items. It's strongly recommended to accept one of these quests at a time, since any of these conditional monsters can appear if you accept more than one. Transcendent Olfaction does not appear to be effective on them.
- Jimmy: Collect 50 salty sailor salts from the son of a son of a sailor. Number of salts dropped increases with 3√Monster Level, randomly rounded, capped at 6 (at +216 ML).
- Taco Dan: Collect 300 lbs of fish meat from taco fish. Amount of fish meat dropped is equal to 10 + meat/10%. Unlocks Taco Dan's Taco Fish Fish Taco.
- Broden: Collect 15 bike rental broupons from a drownedbeat. Only one coupon drops per drownedbeat defeated.
Note that ascension does not reset these quests, if unfinished, any accepted quests will still be active the next time you visit Spring Break Beach. Thus the only way to repeat quests is to use an Ultimate Mind Destroyer to reset one of the 3 quest-givers. It can be gotten by raiding the minifridge at The Sunken Party Yacht, and you can only get one every 7 days. Furthermore, if multiple quests are active at the same time, you will only be able to make progress on one of them.
- The Fun-Guy Mansion – The only monster in this zone are Fun-Guy Playmates, which become more powerful as they are defeated, and have randomly generated resistances. Every few wins will earn you a Beach Buck. Playmate ML can be reset with the industrial strength anti-fungal spray.
- Sloppy Seconds Diner– All three monsters scale with your stats. Every 20 adventures (15 with Sloppy Secrets), you can take a break, which gives you the option to raid the cash register for Beach Bucks (2-3 Beach Bucks, 4-6 w/ Sloppy Secrets), up to 4 times a day, or you can increase one monster's ML by 15 (or reset their ML bonuses). Monsters native to this zone will stop dropping anything once you got a cumulative total of 20? dropped items from fights in this zone in the same day, including from wanderers!
- The Sunken Party Yacht – This zone is an underwater zone, so equip accordingly. Every 20 adventures, you can trade in strings of moist beads for Beach Bucks (which drops from wild girls from the same zone) once a day, gain a large amount of meat, or obtain a Ultimate Mind Destroyer every 7 days (or a bunch of Cocktailcrafting ingredients otherwise).
The Fun-Guy Playmates can drop a Fun-Guy spore. Using a Fun-Guy spore gives 11 turns of Mush-Mouth, a significant stat debuff. 6 types of mushrooms can be obtained by letting the Mush-Mouth effect expire after a combat (in any zone). They can be cooked with a Pastaco shell or mixed with mushroom fermenting solution.
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