A Fateful Trip

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A Fateful Trip

You decide to go hiking deep into the jungle on the tropical island. As you hack your way through the underbrush, you find a clearing with several elaborate houses made of bamboo. Before you have a chance to look around much, you're accosted by a smart-looking fellow wearing glasses and a concerned expression.

"Oh god, another human being! You have to help us! We are held prisoner here by The Crimson-Shirted One!"

"What?" you respond. "Some guy is holding you prisoner?"

The man takes off his glasses and cleans them, but does not take off the concerned expression. "Not exactly. It's more like - well - he's so clumsy and stupid that I wonder if he's doing it on purpose. We fix our boat, he breaks it again. We make a signal fire, he gets drunk and pees on it. We send a message in a bottle, he catches it when he goes fishing. You've got to help!"

"You want me to rough him up a bit?" You ask, flexing your muscles.

"I don't think it would work - he'd trip and fall and accidentally behead you or something. Could you just help me come up with better escape attempts? I'm a man of science, but all I have to work with are coconuts and bamboo."

You close your eyes and become one with the infinite. Or the 8 lying on its side, you're not sure. You cast a technological adept spell over the man.

"Henceforth, you will be able to create any complex machine you need with only coconuts and bamboo," you tell him. "Anything from a blender to a supercollider."

And with that, you leave him to his strange imprisonment. You feel the mystic forces running through you, alive with potentiality. Much like the poi you ate the night before.

AdventuresYou lose 3 Adventures.
Meat.gifYou spent 500 Meat.
You gain X Mysteriousness.
Shorescrip.gifYou acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip

Occurs at Tropical Paradise Island Getaway.


  • Stats gained from this adventure are based on your level.


  • This adventure refers to the television show Gilligan's Island. The "smart-looking fellow" is the Professor and "The Crimson-Shirted One" is Gilligan. The name of this adventure is from the second line of the theme from Gilligan's Island, "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, / a tale of a fateful trip."