1952 Mickey Mantle card

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1952 Mickey Mantle card
1952 Mickey Mantle card

This piece of cheap cardboard with a picture of a baseball man on it will fetch a pretty penny in a society that has clearly gone insane.

Selling Price: 10000 Meat.

Super valuable!

(In-game plural: 1952 Mickey Mantle cards)
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Item number: 8404
Description ID: 547494119
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Deck of Every Card
Draw a Card (1952 Mickey Mantle card)


  • Mickey Mantle was an American baseball player whose 1952 collectible card is reckoned the fourth most valuable card of all, however it was recently sold for the second-highest price of all baseball cards. The Japan Times stated that one is insured for 12 million dollars and that only three are considered to be in perfect condition.


"8404" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.