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The number 11 has special significance in the Kingdom.
- Obtaining eleven of an item at once from whatever source will result in the following message:
You acquire 11 limes
(That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.) - Eleven is the maximum number of different items that can be sent in one message. It is also the maximum number of different items you can add to or remove from Your Colossal Closet or remove from Hagnk's Ancestral Mini-Storage at one time. Trying to add or remove more items brings the message "Eleven is enough."
- Trying to add more than eleven different types of items to your store in the mall gives you the error message, "I think you've had enough, kid. I'm cuttin' you off. (That's too many rows.)"
- Trying to add more than eleven different types of items at a time to the clan stash results in the error message, "That's enough rows for one transaction, ne?"
- If you edit and save your time zone information in your KoL player profile, you see this message: "Time zone updated. Do you know how many time zones there are in the Soviet Union?" Additionally, if you roll over the "time zone" link, it links to javascript:toggle('ridiculous'); Also, this was, at one time, the 11th option from the top on the account menu.
- If you attempted to add more than 11 shelves to your display case before January 19, 2006, you'd have seen the message: "You can't have more than 11 shelves because that would be WAY more than ridiculous." Since then, the limit has been extended to 37. Taking or adding eleven items from the display case, or trying to take or add more than eleven rows of items works like the clan stash or colossal closet.
- Bjorn (#11), not to be confused with the "Mighty Bjorn" who is now known as Mr Skullhead.
- There are eleven chat rules, and the eleventh is "And so forth. It's ridiculous. It's not even funny."
- There are 11 syllables in, "It's ridiculous. It's not even funny." (The same if you use "that's" for the first "it's".)
- The total number of stars and lines for the star crossbow, star staff and star sword each add to eleven.
- Eleven items are needed to create the spooky pirate skeleton.
- In each of the Penguin Mafia's "Mystery Raffles", there were eleven first-prize winners.
- Including the large box and the small box, there are 11 Dungeons of Doom potion items.
- There are 11 distinct challenges in the Naughty Sorceress Quest before you can face her.
- You will obtain 11 karma for completing a No-path ascension.
- You will obtain 11 karma for discarding Instant Karma.
- Every 11 karma shawarmas you consumed will give you an Instant Karma.
- The Crackpot Mystic's Shed used to make 11 different items with pixels; he currently makes 13.
- The small chunk of Grimace orbiting Ronald and Grimace has 11 positions.
- On most days in the The Gift Shop, there are 11 plants, 11 toys, 11 cakes, 11 balloons, and 11 packages that can be purchased (most of which can only be unlocked by ascending multiple times). The last item (after 27 ascensions) is the magnetic field, a container which holds eleven items. However, this is not the case on Valentine's Day, as one more of each item is available. The DNOTC Box is a container which holds eleven items, found here during the Crimbo season.
- Four of the character classes have 11 letters in them. The Accordion Thief has 11 + 3 letters and the Sauceror has 11 - 3 letters, so the one might have "stolen" 3 letters from the other. (They are Thieves after all.)
- When adventuring in A Shimmering Portal, 11 different El Vibrato punchcards can be found.
- When a clan gains access to the Clan Basement and opens up the way to a Clan Dungeon for the first time, the clan has to pay a total of 11 million Meat out of the Coffers.
- In the Obligatory Pirates Cove in disguise, there are eleven fish under the ship.
- The mutant doll-dressing elf has 11 limbs.
- There are 11 discoveries associated with the Crimbo 2008 content (counting the pair of ragged claws familiar).
- A Disco Bandit could perform a total of 11 different Disco Combos.
- There are 11 different parts for each section of a Crimbot.
- There are 11 levels on the Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device.
- When you successfully get past the suave Knob Goblin Elite Guardsman, "you twirl your hair, smile, squeeze his biceps, the whole eleven yards."
- When you judge the pirate contest in The Arrrbitrator encounter, you are asked to tell which you think is the "saltiest old salt to ever sail the eleven seas."
- The witty pirate is "one of the most despised pirates on the Eleven Seas."
- When you are defeated by the Giant Desktop Globe in The Sorceress' Tower, it "crushes you under one of its eleven oceans."
- In the "Confusing the Issue" adventure, eleven soldiers charge at you.
- The ocean of Set an Open Course for the Virgin Booty is 242x100--242 being 11*11*2.
- A total of eleven rainbow pearls were found in the ocean of Set an Open Course for the Virgin Booty.
- In Set an Open Course for the Virgin Booty the mainland occupies most of an 11x11 region which has its upper left corner at (11,11).
- The swarm a-swarming shows eleven individual swarmers.
- Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence is "the Beast With One Point Twenty-One Thousand Volts". (see 1.21 jigawatts)
- Burning Ears used to give +11 Damage to Hot Spells.
- Frozen Shoulders used to give +11 Damage to Cold Spells.
- The effects given from the Stocking Mimic's special candies directly scale with your level until level 11.
- It's Ridiculous grants +11 or +11% to 11 variables.
- It's Not Even Funny grants +11 to all attributes.
- Took Eleven grants +11 to all attributes.
- The Bigger Bugfinder Blade gives +11 to all attributes.
- The enchantment for the giant cheesestick is "+11 Damage to Sleaze Spells".
- With the exception of the Hammer of Smiting, all of the Legendary Epic Weapons give +11 to the main stat of their respective classes.
- The Order of the Silver Wossname adds 11 to each stat, and provides an 11% boost in Meat and item drops.
- The sawblade shield has a Damage Reduction of eleven, and has eleven Bonus Weapon Damage.
- The buoybottoms give +11 Moxie.
- There are 11 marbles that originate from the tiny slimy cyst from The Slime Tube.
- The components of the Vestments of the Treeslayer grant a total of +11 Damage Reduction.
- The Pork Elf Prizes outfit grants +11% Item Drops.
- The Rain-Doh violet bo grants +11 Moxie and +11 Sleaze Damage while the Rain-Doh red wings grant +11 Hot Damage.
- The elevenderizing hammer which can be crafted from a can of V-11 grants +11 to all Attributes and Weapon Damage. It requires 11 Muscle.
- The elevennis shoes which can be crafted from a can of V-11 grant +11 to all Attributes and Maximum HP/MP. They require 11 Mysticality.
- 11 is the autosell price of one million meat pancakes, sonar-in-a-biscuit, baseball, gnoll lips, and meat face and was the autosell price for White Castle fries.
- The M-242 firework has a number that is 11*11*2.
- There are eleven mushroom wines.
- There are eleven BRICKO Beasts.
- The BRICKO turtle requires 11 BRICKO bricks to make. The BRICKO vacuum cleaner requires 1100.
- All of the third tier Supertinkering recipes require 11 components.
- There are 11 types of pogs, and you can only multi-use up to 11 packs of pogs at one time.
- The eleven-foot pole.
- The intricate clockwork numeral XI.
- The mini-martini is dropped by the 11th anniversary gift, the Miniature Sword & Martini Guy.
- You need at least 11 drunkenness to be able to use the Spring Break Beach tattoo coupon and the "Wooooooooooo" in its use text has eleven Os in it.
- The can of V-11 is a potion which grants 111 Adventures worth of It's Ridiculous.
- The elevent can be crafted from a can of V-11.
- The Take Eleven Bar is a potion containing 11 ingredients and granting the Took Eleven effect.
- The Fuzzy Dice has both "ones" facing upwards, for the digits of eleven.
- When the Fuzzy Dice familiar rolls eleven, it inflicts double damage against your opponent and comments: "It's ridiculous. It's not even funny."
- When equipped on a Pet Rock, both the Pet rock "Snooty" disguise and the Pet rock "Groucho" disguise grant a +11 pound weight bonus.
- A trophy may be acquired while spleen, fullness, and drunkenness are all 11.
- Defeating the Boss Bat, Baron von Ratsworth, Knob Goblin King, and Bonerdagon with The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device set to eleven earns you the Boss Boss Trophy, which features the Roman number XI.
- Eating eleven dishes of ghuol guolash earns you The Ghuol Cup, which is the eleventh trophy.
- Multi-using 11 of Handful of confetti makes you eligible for the I Love A Parade trophy.
- The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device and Heartbreaker's Hotel both go up to eleven.
- The last numerical ascension tattoo you can attain is eleven. After eleven ascensions, you get an "eleven or more" tattoo.
- The text of the Spring Break Beach tattoo has eleven Os in "Wooooooooooo".
- King Ralph XI is the 11th Ralph. Initially, the King was the 13th but was changed to 11 later on, at the suggestion of Lord_Ingo in the thread when the story of Ralph first appeared.
- At level 11 the The Council of Loathing gives you the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin. After finishing the quest, your log states that it was "so ridiculous, it wasn't even funny".
- The number the skeleton must roll to win the stone tablet (Really Evil Rhythm) during the Naughty Sorceress Quest is eleven.
- The picture of the keypad in the Heavy Door and Light Door puzzle has the numbers 1 through to 9, an asterisk, a zero, and the number 11 instead of a pound sign.
- Shifty, the Thief Chief's first task to join The Department of Shadowy Arts and Crafts was a game of 11-Card Monte.
- The number Gorgonzola, the Chief Chef was thinking of during the second task to join The League of Chef-Magi was 11.
- All the moon signs have eleven stars.
- If you have completed the Cap'm Caronch Quest, your quest log says "Congratulations, you're a mighty pirate! Time to man the poop deck and sail the eleven seas!" in the "I Rate, You Rate" entry.
- During Crimbo 2009, players could play at The 11 Tables in a game suspiciously like 21 (Blackjack).
- On the Policies of Loathing page, there are 11 things that are "situated FIRMLY in the category of jackassery", the eleventh being: "And so forth. It's ridiculous. It's not even funny."
- There are eleven Amazing Ideas.
- On the Special challenge path Way of the Surprising Fist, there are 11 Teachings of the Fist, the 11th being Master of the Surprising Fist. The Worldpunch skill costs 11 MP to cast, and lasts for up to 11 turns per cast if all 11 skills are learned.
- The maximum level you can raise Clancy in an Avatar of Boris run was 11 before April 1, 2012. It is still the maximum level without an Item of the Month.
- The Elevent is a kind of housing which grants 11 Adventures worth of It's Ridiculous.
- The lowest you can be ranked in the Naughty Sorceress quest contests is #11.
- While it takes up to 9 adventures to get through the Hedge Maze – you complete it in increments of 11%.
- There are 11 parking grids in the Elemental International Airport.
- It takes 11 complete Hardcore Nuclear Autumn runs to bring the Adventurer Bobblehead to its full power of 23% (11*2+1) to all attributes.
- On the old announcements page, "(11/11 -- it's ridiculous.)" is written next to the November 11th, 2004 announcement.
- On October 11, 2005, the comfy blanket first appeared.
- The Temporal Riftlet is the eleventh Mr. Store familiar, counting the Emo Squid, that was ever released. It was also released on the eleventh month of 2005, and the digits in the name of its familiar equipment, 1.21 jigawatts, form the square of 11, 121 (as 121 is itself the square of 11).
- November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) was a day of special ridiculousness. Ridiculously, adventurers gained 11 bonus Adventures, some ridiculous Accessories, and ridiculous booze or food.
- The can of V-11 was available by donating $11 during March 2014 as part of KoLs 11th year anniversary.
- The highest Crimbot Outfit Power a player could normally achieve before the introduction of the Crimbomega drive chain was 11. (Accomplished by using a Crimbot battery and wearing the entire Crimbot Crimboutfit.)
- The question "Do you know how many time zones there are in the Soviet Union?" and the statement "It's ridiculous. It's not even funny" are references to the song "Time Zones" by Negativland, from the album Escape from Noise. The track is a sound collage which uses a recording of a radio talk show as source material.
- The musical "eleven" reference on The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device comes from the rock band mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap.
- 1.21 Jigawatts comes from the movie Back to the Future, as 1.21 gigawatts (1.21 = 1.12) was how much power the Delorean needed to travel through time (as well as traveling at 88, or 8*11, mph). This power could only be generated through harnessing lightning or nuclear processes.